Terai, a photography paradise

Terai is a photographer’s paradise. Terai, no doubt is tremendously rich in natural and cultural aspects. It is just a mining station for photographers. But photographers only label to get scenic shots of heritages and the mountains. And what they are missing out on is the raw beauty of the immense culture-rich Terai.

With this blog we intend to bring to light, the mega opportunities when photographers can visit Terai and take snaps of candid pictures or for editorial purposes.

What, Where, and How to take pictures of Terai?

The Hidden Story of Maghi Festival

The Tharu’s, an indigenous of Nepal, celebrate the first day of Magh as Maghi, their main festival. This festival lasts for 5 days. Tharus celebrate Maghi by worshiping the god of the sun, drinking, eating, and dancing. Most of the old people will sit next to the fire until early morning. Women and youngsters will visit every Tharu house in the village and sing songs and dance like Deusi and Bhailo. The dances are called Chhokra Naach or Dangali Naach. During this time, they would play a game called Paisa Lutne, where a person is supposed to pick money with a special posture. In the morning, women take a bath and go to the temple to worship.

Maghi Festival, Bardiya Maghi Festival, Bardiya

As a photographer, if you travel to Terai during Maghi, you can capture the smiles, joy, colorful ambiance, delicacy enjoyment, cultural clad, and many more.  

Witness Wilderness of the National Parks

By visiting wildlife areas, you witness the freedom and wilderness of nature. This will also help you reduce anxiety and day-to-day stress. You can witness animals and their behaviors in their natural condition. You must visit some of the national parks-Chitwan National Park, Bardiya National Park, Banke National Park, Shuklaphanta National Park, Parsa National Park, and Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve- located in Terai. In national parks, you can explore the scenic trails, learn the history of our Nation, and experience the natural amenities. Photographers can take pictures of animals, birds, or the lush green of the forest.

Spotted deer Spotted deer

Peaceful and Architecturally-rich Lumbini

Lumbini is the birthplace of Gautam Buddha, Asia’s light. Every year, millions of Buddhists and Hindus from all around the world visit Lumbini to pay homage to Lord Buddha. Lumbini is home to a plethora of spectacular, exquisite, ornate, and serene monasteries built with Nepalese, German, Myanmarese, and Thai architecture and art.

All of the monasteries in Lumbini reflect the unique interpretation of Buddhism and love for world peace. Maya Devi Temple, Puskarni Pond, Ashoka Pillar, Lumbini Museum, and World Peace Pagoda are also other attractive features. Lumbini’s garden is further enhanced by the bright Lungdaar and Dwaja. Photographers seeking calm and stunning images can capture these magnificent structures, devotees, colorful Lungdaar, and tranquil pond settings.

Maya Devi Temple, Lumbini Maya Devi Temple, Lumbini

Witness the Dhimal power dress – Bohna

The Dhimal Caste is a Bhumiputra ethnic group that has lived in Morang, Sunsari, and Jhapa for generations. Dhimal women weave and wear Bohna, Dhimal’s traditional ethnic clothing. Dhimal women wear Bohna on special occasions. Dhimal women connect the underlying relationships of affection, exchange, and mutual responsibility with one another by displaying their creativity while having recreational time. 

Photographers proudly flaunt and capture Dhaka Clothes. Now it’s time for photographers to picture beautiful Dhimal women with their Bohna dresses and jewelry.

Art, Ambiance, and Amusement of Janakpudham

Janakpurdham is a significant religious site in Nepal, boasting the country’s most magnificent temple. Aside from the beautiful temples and shrines, travelers can also visit traditional villages in Janakpur to get a taste of local life. Other neighboring religious and culturally significant sites worth visiting include Dhanushadham and Jaleshwor. The Ganga Sagar, Dhanush Sagar, and the Parshuram Kunda are few among the hundreds of ponds where you can enjoy boating activities.

Photographers mostly visit Janakpur to get the traditional vibes and chat pictures. But other than that, you can capture Mithila Art or even the painted houses, the daily life hustle and marketplace, and wedding amusement happening, especially in Bibah Panchami.

Janaki Mandir, Janakpur, Nepal Janaki Mandir, Janakpur, Nepal

Celebrating Holi in Terai

Holi is a very colorful and playful festival celebrated in the hilly and the Terai region on the full moon of Falgun. Passionate participants ‘play Holi’ with colorful powders, throwing, rubbing, and smearing vibrant hues along with throwing colored water and water balloons at each other. People invite their pals over to enjoy the day’s special treats. 

Photographers capture the vibrant hues with high on celebration mode. But you have to ensure to protect your camera and your eyes while capturing the holi vibes. To capture the greatest Holi images, you can use a quick shutter speed, shallow depth of field, variety of lenses, and click pictures from a decent vantage point.

Grass Craft making in Lumbini.

Grass Craft making is an important Intangible Cultural Heritage of Lumbini. For this, two types of grass- Kaasa, and Moonj are harvested. After the grass has grown tall, they are picked and dried. After drying, grasses are turned into smaller strands. Next up is boiling the coloring and getting dried grass immersed to absorb the color. They are then washed and dried. Finally, the traditional grass weaving is done. Women put their heart, soul, and time into making appealing stuff used for daily life purposes as well as for decorations. Photographers can click pictures of such woven utensils and mats, the women getting empowered, continuing of culture, and most importantly, sharing skills, smiles, and laughter.

Final Thoughts

With this blog, we expect you must have figured out where to get in/around Terai. So, you can get the perfect shots for your social media or even sell them to stock image platforms like ImagePasal. 

It’s time to get out of the Nepali Photographer stereotype. For that, you must bring the stories and tales of Terai and other areas. If every photographer in Nepal at least brings one unheard story, culture, or souvenirs. Then we can claim that Nepal is not just for mountaineering and monuments, it is more about the culture we hold in Himalayan, Hilly, and Beautiful Terai.