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ID: 39058

Sakimana Punhi

Sakimana Purnima or Sakimana Punhi is one of the special Purnimas celebrated by the Newar community. Which is made up of two words of Nepali language saki and mana. SAKI means pindalu (roots of arum spinach), while MANA means usinnu (Boiled). It is called Sakimana Poornima because Pindalu (Boiled roots of arum spinach) is eaten on this day. Since there is a shortage of vegetables during the winter months, Kandamul (food found under the ground) can also be eaten, and the Sakimana Purnima is the symbol for same. According to the geodesy, the moon is closer to the earth today. Therefore, the size of the moon on this day is bigger than the full moon on other days. Today infront of various temples and chaityas different images of god, temples or symbols are made by corn, wheat, soybeans, tai, malpa, swari, and other grain deities, which culture is called Halimali and Nasa Bwayegu or Halimali festival. In this way, when nasa bwayegu is performed, the DAFA Bhajan use to play their traditional musics and songs at the respective places.

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