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ID: 35472
Biska Jatra festival 2024, Madhyapur Thimi
Biska Jatra festival, Thimi, Bhaktapur, 2024
Biska Jatra at Madhyapur Thimi is commonly known as Sindur jatra, which is mainly celebrated in Madhyapur Thimi during start of Bikram Sambat: 1st and 2nd of every Baiksak. People greet each other throwing simrik powder on backdrop of traditional Newari Dhime music.
People from different parts of Thimi gather at Siddhikali Temple on 1st of Baisak at late evning where as on 2nd of Baisak at Balkumari Temple on 2nd of Baisak at late morning carrying chariot of their own deities.
In Bode, a place close to Thimi celebrate tongue piercing ceremony where resident marchers to different parts of the city with his tongue piercedby iron needle of about one feet long. A team of traditional music players, local people and visitors march along with the person carrying Chilakh on his shoulder.